
Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Scrabble Board Project

Words with Friends is going crazy and there's a sudden popularity with using scrabble letters as art so I thought I'd make an art piece that works for us in the house.
Here are my materials:
Scrabble game; old Dictionary ($1.00 at Goodwill!), magnets,
24"x24" sheet metal, frame
I glued the magnets to the back of each scrabble letter
I used some Mod Podge to glue some dictionary
pages to the sheet metal
One layer of pages done. I added a 2nd layer to make sure all
of the sheet metal was covered.
I created my own scrabble board and printed it out. I didn't
see any free printable scrabble out there though so maybe
 you can make a photo copy of the board if you don't want
to make your own. I then went over all of the pages with
a coat of Mod Podge to protect the pages.
I bought a frame you can put together yourself. It's a little thin
so I may still look for a 2'x2' frame or maybe make my own.
Hang it up!
Then write your own message or have an ongoing game.


  1. LOVE this idea! Is there any way that I could get a digital copy of the board you used? (For example: could you e-mail it to me?) I would love to use it to make my own board!

    Thanks a million!

    cdavis152 at gmail dot com

  2. I love this! I'd also really like it if I could get a digital copy of your scrabble board - that would be so helpful!

    Great job!
    jw11721 at yahoo dot com
